Skin is considered to be your body’s largest organ and the largest barrier protecting you from outside microbes. Your skin can also show you that something may be wrong inside, however, and can be your first alert to major issues. Pay attention to the health of your skin. You need it to protect you and stay in place as your first line of defense.
Not All of Your Skin Is the Same
The skin on your body is not all the same. The skin on your chest and face, especially your eyelids, is thinner than the skin on the rest of your body. Your palms and soles have the thickest skin. Hair follicles, sweat glands, and oil glands also vary from part to part. Called skin “appendages” these aid and control the health and healing abilities of your skin.
Your Lifestyle Affects Your Skin
A healthy diet and lifestyle are important to keeping your skin looking clear and feeling smooth and soft. In addition to eating poorly, smoking, not drinking enough water, and poor hygiene can contribute to skin problems. Taking a multivitamin, staying hydrated, and bathing regularly may help to clear up skin issues that appear.
Skin Problems Can Be a Sign of Allergies
If you make an effort to stay healthy and take care of your skin, but still deal with issues such as acne or dryness, you may have an allergy that is causing your problems. Many people break out after consuming dairy products. Other food allergies, as well as drug allergies and allergies to perfumes and dyes, may cause eczema reactions and dryness. Insect stings and bites may also cause skin issues like hives.
Your Doctor May Be Able to Help With Skin Problems
If you have skin problems, your general practitioner may be able to make recommendations and prescribe medications to help you. You may be surprised to find that prescriptions to clear up skin problems, even mild issues like acne, may be covered by your health insurance. If your skin problems persist, your doctor may refer you to a specialist that can perform testing and find out if allergies or other problems are at the root of your issues.
Facial Massages Can Keep Skin Healthy
While both homemade and store bought creams, masks, and exfoliants are often touted as the best thing for preventing wrinkles and keeping skin healthy, facial massages have also shown to have some benefit. Massage stimulates the skin cells, causing them to release collagen and maintain the elasticity of skin. Massages can also keep the blood flowing and relieve tension from the face, which can be beneficial in reducing the appearance of wrinkles.
Take good care of your skin to keep your body as healthy as possible.

Karen is a health blog author who has been writing about healthy living since 2013. She started her journey by adopting a vegan diet and eating only organic foods, but the more she learned, the more she realized that we should all be eating plant-based diets exclusively. As an expert in nutrition and wellness, Karen blogs to educate readers on how they can live happier and healthier lives through food choices!