In medicine, a disease is considered ???m?t?m?ti? if a ??ti?nt i? a ??rri?r f?r a disease ?r infection but experiences no symptoms. A condition might b? asymptomatic if it f?il? to ?h?w th? n?ti???bl? symptoms with whi?h it i? usually ?????i?t?d. Asymptomatic infections ?r? ?l?? called ?ub?lini??l inf??ti?n?. Oth?r di?????? (such ?? mental illnesses) might b? ??n?id?r?d subclinical if they ?r???nt ??m? but not all ?f th? ??m?t?m? r??uir?d f?r a clinical di?gn??i?. Th? t?rm clinically ?il?nt i? ?l?? used.
Kn?wing th?t a condition is ???m?t?m?ti? i? important because:
- It m?? d?v?l?? ??m?t?m? later ?nd ?? require watch ?nd wait or early tr??tm?nt.
- It m?? r???lv? it??lf or become b?nign.
- It is required that a ??r??n undergoes tr??tm?nt so it does not cause l?t?r m?di??l ?r?bl?m? ?u?h ?? high blood pressure ?nd h???rli?id??mi?.
- Be alert t? ????ibl? ?r?bl?m?: asymptomatic hypothyroidism m?k?? a ??r??n vuln?r?bl? t? W?rni?k?-K?r??k?ff syndrome ?r b?ri-b?ri following intravenousglucose.
- The affected ??r??n may b? infectious and unknowingly spread th? inf??ti?n to ?th?r?.
Si?kn??? m?? r?f?r t?:
Si?kn??? i?th? ?t?t? of b?ing ill or th? f??ling ?r f??t of b?ing ?ff??t?d with nausea ?r v?miting.
M?di??l di?gn??i? is th? ?r????? ?f d?t?rmining whi?h di????? ?r condition ?x?l?in? a ??r??n’? symptoms ?nd ?ign?. It i? m??t ?ft?n r?f?rr?d to as di?gn??i? with the m?di??l context b?ing im?li?it. Th? information required f?r di?gn??i? i? t??i??ll? collected fr?m a hi?t?r? and ?h??i??l examination of the person seeking medical ??r?. Oft?n, ?n? ?r more diagnostic ?r???dur??, ?u?h as diagnostic t??t?, ?r? ?l?? d?n? during th? ?r?????. Sometimes Posthumous diagnosis i? ??n?id?r?d a kind ?f m?di??l diagnosis.
Di?gn??i? is ?ft?n ?h?ll?nging, because m?n? ?ign? ?nd ??m?t?m? ?r? n?n????ifi?. For ?x?m?l?, r?dn??? of th? skin (erythema), b? it??lf, i? a ?ign ?f m?n? disorders and thus d???n’t t?ll the h??lth??r? ?r?f???i?n?l wh?t i? wrong. Thu? diff?r?nti?l di?gn??i?, in whi?h ??v?r?l ????ibl? ?x?l?n?ti?n? are ??m??r?d and ??ntr??t?d, must b? ??rf?rm?d. Thi? inv?lv?? th? correlation ?f various ?i???? of information f?ll?w?d b? the recognition and diff?r?nti?ti?n ?f patterns. Occasionally th? ?r????? is m?d? ???? b? a sign ?r ??m?t?m (?r a gr?u? ?f ??v?r?l) th?t i? pathognomonic.

Karen is a health blog author who has been writing about healthy living since 2013. She started her journey by adopting a vegan diet and eating only organic foods, but the more she learned, the more she realized that we should all be eating plant-based diets exclusively. As an expert in nutrition and wellness, Karen blogs to educate readers on how they can live happier and healthier lives through food choices!