Most men are uncomfortable with the idea of premature ejaculation. They’re even more uneasy over erectile dysfunction. PE means that while they can get erections, they lose them soon after penetration, which affects both their pleasure and their partner’s.
Erectile dysfunction is more extreme, with the man being unable to get an erection at all. Some doctors also categorise erectile dysfunction as loss of erection before penetration. It can be mild or chronic. Mild ED is usually referred to as sexual anxiety and is considered more psychological than biological, though that’s not always the case.
Self-imposed pressure
Being intimate with a partner can be hard. While attraction is natural and instinctive, things can change once a man actually gets into the bedroom. If he’s with a new partner that he’s really trying to impress, he may be consciously worried about pleasing her, and if his worry intensifies, it may end up affecting his ability to gain and retain his erection.
With a regular partner, if he has ‘failed’ before, he might be so concerned about a repeat ‘non-performance’ that he ends up with a self-fulfilling prophecy. Increasing foreplay might help, because it may relax him enough to ease his worry. He should be careful to not over-stretch foreplay though because that can also end up diminishing his erection.
Side effects from medication
When a doctor prescribes treatment, he or she is trying to solve a major medical matter. They will weigh your malady against potential side effects, and conclude that the minimal side effects are worth the massive benefit of treatment.
Unfortunately, some medicines affect your blood flow, and anything that disrupts blood flow can negatively affect erection. Read through the pamphlets in your medication, or ask your doctor if your medicine has sexual side effects. They are often short-lived, but if it’s having an adverse effect, your doctor might prescribe an alternative dose.
Too much pornography
Discussions surrounding porn often focus on how women are treated, or whether porn creates unrealistic bedroom expectations. The worry is that many men end up thinking their partners can and should perform the manoeuvres of their favourite starlet. This isn’t always possible, practical, or desirable to his partner.
However, porn can present another challenge. If a man becomes addicted to porn, his mind and body might rewire itself so that he responds differently to sexual stimulation. Some men find they can’t get aroused or stay aroused without porn, even during actual intercourse. Their partner’s physical and sexual presence might not be enough to get them erect.
Compromised pelvic floors
Pelvic floor challenges are not restricted to women. Pelvic floor discussions are rarely considered outside of childbirth and women’s health, but that’s not the only relevant context. Men who routinely ride bicycles, motorbikes, or horses are placing significant strain and stimulation on the pelvic regions, and it might have long-term effects.
If a routine rider experiences erectile issues, he should talk to a doctor and have a thorough examination to check his pelvis. If it’s damaged, the doctor may advise him to reduce his riding time, switch to a different form of exercise, or find alternative transportation.
Stress at work
The biggest sexual organ in any human being’s body is their brain. If you’re undergoing stress, it may affect your desire for sex, but it can also affect your actual bedroom performance. Your mind is distracted with worry and unease, so it can’t send the right signals to your genitals during sex.
Detachment and compartmentalisation is a good way to deal with this. Train yourself to leave your work problems at the office. When you get home, buffer yourself with some relaxing activity, and deliberately focus on your partner, and on the sensations they arouse.
Missing a deceased partner
Grief can be a big barrier to sexual activity. A widower may feel emotionally ready for a new relationship, but his mind and body may still feel that he is betraying his late partner by being with someone else. This guilt can be so strong that it sabotages his erection.
This also applies to long-term partners who were not necessarily married. And it can happen even after a break-up. The partner may not be deceased, but if their relationship was long and strong, it could be hard to sensually bond with someone new.
Trouble in the mouth
Brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing before you brush can deeply affect your sex life. It’s not just about fresh breath, which is a big factor because halitosis can influence your chances of getting a partner. It turns out gum disease can directly affect your penis as well.
Periodontitis is a leading cause of mild erectile dysfunction because it’s a blood infection so that may affect the flow to your lower body. Gum disease can be treated with antibiotic and good dental care. Your ED should clear up once your dental infection is gone.
Trouble in the tummy
Surprisingly, stomach problems can affect bedroom activities as well. It might be because gastrointestinal issues have a direct correlation to energy levels and blood flow. Either way, statistics suggest that men with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBC) often have a hard time maintaining their erections.
When a man is unsure of what’s causing his performance challenges, a comprehensive medical check-up could identify health-related triggers. An honest talk with his partner will help too. It can weed out and resolve any emotional or psychological barriers to their sex life.

Karen is a health blog author who has been writing about healthy living since 2013. She started her journey by adopting a vegan diet and eating only organic foods, but the more she learned, the more she realized that we should all be eating plant-based diets exclusively. As an expert in nutrition and wellness, Karen blogs to educate readers on how they can live happier and healthier lives through food choices!